School is Easy Tutoring Edmonton
Our Edmonton tutoring agency provides in-home English tutors in Edmonton, Red Deer and nearby communities. We also offer online English tutoring for all of Northern Alberta.
Our tutors are fully qualified and experienced when it comes to teaching their subject specialties. They are also able to follow existing class requirements, an individualized program plan (IPP) or an instructional support plan (ISP) approved by Alberta Education standards.
Alberta-based English courses we tutor include:
We also can provide English tutors for
The Alberta Education ministry places emphasis on the importance of English language arts (ELA). Starting from kindergarten, and throughout all grades until high school, English is considered an essential component of forming well-rounded, educated individuals. This goes of course, without saying, since communication is the foundation from which students can thereafter learn any other subject in school.
Different forms of English tutoring may also be necessary when advancing academic careers in university or beyond, during employment. Being fluent – even as a native English speaker – in the many contexts in which English is spoken, is often needed with additional support and learning.
If your child is struggling with Alberta’s English language arts program at a young age, it may be wise to hire a local, one-on-one Edmonton English tutor. This can help them build strengths in the language, avoiding possible, further setbacks to education later on. This is because language proficiency is something that is built up over time, and can only get better when it is used and perfected in stages.
If your child or teen is demonstrating a lack in any of the following skill sets, or others, we would recommend getting in touch with us to see if an Edmonton English tutor can help. Our tutoring services are pay-as-you-go, which makes it easy to schedule a preferred set of tutoring sessions to target one learning weakness. You won’t have to commit to a large, costly tutoring program up-front.
A clear sign that someone has language ability, is their skill in making very clear and communicable statements. If your child is skipping from point to point, and not making connectable, or progressive statements – whether verbally or in writing – this could mean that more tutoring is needed in English language arts. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a weakness in essay writing. It can be noticed in other forms of communication too.
When a child is first learning to read, write, speak and listen in early years, it’s ok if they are sounding out words to spell them, or acquiring grammar skills through trial and error. In fact, it’s kind of cute to keep those preschool-age letters to mom and dad. But when they get older, spelling of words should be memorized so much that they are ingrained in the writing process. And using sentence structure correctly should also be second nature. If your child is not picking up on this ‘muscle memory’ way of using English correctly, it may be time for a tutor to help out.
The last thing you want is your ‘educated’ child to grow into an adult who can’t use proper grammar and spelling, as this New York Times article demonstrates is becoming a problem in the corporate world already.
With this weakness, we are not necessarily talking about learning disabilities that could be related to dyslexia (such as the difficulty of following instructions in order). Although, if your child does suffer from dyslexia, or another learning disability, an English tutor could be the first to notice. This is because an English tutor is trained in teaching comprehension strategies. So if a child is ‘just not getting it,’ there could be more to it.
What are are talking about is when a student reads through complex paragraphs and immediately after can not explain what the paragraph is saying, in their own words, for instance. Or when a subject matter – even an instruction – is spoken to them verbally, and they seem to glaze over it, or proceed to do the opposite of what you just told them not to do.
And yes – sometimes this can be a kid purposefully not listening to authority figures. We get it. But if it is an English language difficulty, then an English tutor can help. The one-on-one nature of our tutoring allows us to pinpoint the weaknesses of the individual, and then work to strengthen those specific skills.
Call us today or book online. We look forward to discussing your case with you!
We do all the hard work of screening, qualifying and training tutors so you don’t have to. Then, we are able to match them with your child within 48 hours of your booking. This saves you time, and it also prevents wasted days when a student could be improving, or gearing up for their next project or exam.