Tutoring Agency
As a Vancouver Tutoring Company offering Tutors in Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey and all Metro Vancouver areas, we find that our clients can use helpful resources for their child, especially to enhance their tutoring experience. Below are some websites you might find helpful:
www.abclearninglinks.com – ABC Learning Links Assessment Services provides comprehensive psychoeducational assessments in Metro Vancouver. Michael Scales is a Registered Psychological Associate with many years experience assessing, diagnosing, and supporting students with special learning needs.
www.joanpinkus.ca – Joan Pinkus is a registered psychologist and has maintained a private practice in Vancouver for more than 20 years. She conducts detailed psycho-educational assessments to help determine individual learning styles and needs of children. Her expertise is with gifted learners.
www.sparknotes.com – This website provides study guides for all subjects. You can find study guides for hundreds of novels including Shakespeare. Math, Physics, Chemistry, etc. are all available. SAT, ACT exam preparation can be found as well.
www.castlerockresearch.com – The KEY study guides for all grades and subjects. Student notes and workbooks are also available for all grade levels. Provincial exam study guides are available and these books explain the answer to each question. Academic Advantage teachers can receive significant discounts on this material. Contact us to find out how.
www.supersummary.com – Provides study guides on contemporary novels.
www.mathworksheetsland.com – Provides free math worksheets.
www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams – Provincial exams and their answer keys.
www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp – B.C. Ministry of Education website provides K – 12 curriculum and learning resources.
www.eatonlearning.com – Eaton Learning Centre provides in-depth psycho-educational assessments designed to diagnose learning difficulties or learning disabilities and/or giftedness, and to identify areas of strength.
www.bchomeschool.net – B.C. Home School Association provides information and resources for parents would like to home school their children.
www.studyvec.com/toefl-testing-centres – Information about TOEFL test centres in the Lower Mainland.
www.bcteacherregulation.ca/ – B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch
www.bcit.ca – British Columbia Institute of Technology
www.ubc.ca – University of British Columbia
www.sfu.ca – Simon Fraser University
www.microsoft.com/education/lessonplans – This website offers lesson plans created by various teachers.This great search tool gives you access to lessons by subject such as Science, Math, Social Studies and Fine Arts. You can also search by grade level.
www.dyslexiavictoria.ca – This website provides strategies and teaching aids for assisting students with dyslexia ADD and ADHD.
www.ABCPsychServices.com – Psychological assessment in Edmonton by Colleen Stratton, Registered Psychologist. 9 years experience providing caring and compassionate “in person” psychological assessment for individuals, schools, and private clients.