We all know that it is important to stay hydrated, and to drink our 8-10 glasses of water a day. But is this any different for kids? Read on to learn about the importance of kids staying hydrated, and how it affects their academic performance and physical activity.
The importance of kids staying hydrated in school
Since kids’ bodies are made up of approximately 70% water, it is a given that water affects nearly every part of their bodies. Water enhances circulation and is essential for optimal brain health and function. If your child is demonstrating low concentration, it could be because they aren’t drinking enough water! According to healthybrainforlife.com, dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, poor concentration, and reduced cognitive abilities. So it is really important for your child’s academic success to drink plenty of water every day!
The importance of kids staying hydrated during physical activities
Drinking water also has a significant impact on your child’s physical activity. If they are hydrated, children will be less tired and have more energy. By drinking plenty of water before, during, and after exercise, they can avoid fatigue and enjoy the activity more. Since children’s bodies don’t adjust as well to losses of fluid, and their bodies don’t cool down as efficiently, it is especially important that they stay hydrated during exercise.
Are sports drinks or juice an OK alternative to drinking water?
In general, water is your child’s best bet to staying hydrated. Other drinks like juice, pop, and vitamin water can have a high sugar content, which can lead to weight gain in children if consumed regularly. They can also contain caffeine, which acts as a diuretic (dehydrating the body) and can also affect children’s concentration.
Sports drinks can be beneficial, but only if your child is involved in vigorous physical activity for over an hour. These drinks contain electrolytes, which your child will lose through sweat. Therefore, they are a good source of energy when the body’s stores are becoming depleted. However, if your child is not involved in vigorous physical activity for a prolonged amount of time, keep in mind that sports drinks also contain calories that could increase weight gain if consumed on a regular basis. It is always best to have your child avoid excess sugars by reaching for calorie-free water.
Since it is so important for kids to drink water, encourage them to keep a water bottle with them during tutoring sessions so they don’t get dehydrated. Happy studying!