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How to take a step back but still facilitate and motivate student learning
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Decorating the Christmas tree means something a little different in all families. Usually it involves picking out a tree, somehow getting it home and setting it up in the living room and then pulling out the dusty box of ornaments from the attic so you can begin to hang all of the ornaments on the tree. Some of the ornaments are ones you’ve been collecting for years and there may even be some that have been passed down from previous generations. Some families like to make new decorations for the tree every year, like popcorn garlands and handmade ornaments. This year making decorations can be turned into some neat holiday math activities for kids that involve making new geometric Christmas ornaments.
Making geometric Christmas ornaments is a fun project and it will get kids to participate in holiday math activities without even realizing that they are learning something! There are some great online tutorials for geometric paper ornaments, folded paper polyhedrons, Himmeli ornaments made from straws and string and this more difficult wooden diamond ornament that you can refer to in order to make your own geometric ornaments. These holiday math activities can be adapted for various ages according to each child’s understanding of shapes and geometry. You can also give your kids creative license to come up with their own ornament designs out of different geometric shapes.
Stringing colored beads with popcorn or other craft materials onto a string to make a garland is a simple activity that can be done by children of all ages. It can be turned into a math lesson about making patterns. You can help your child to make a pattern like “2 red beads, 3 popcorn pieces, 2 green beads, 3 popcorn pieces” that repeats over and over again. This will help them to practice their fine motor skills, counting skills and help them start to see simple patterns.
You can do a number of holiday math activities when hanging basic colored ball ornaments on the tree. For young children you can have them count the number of green balls, red balls, yellow balls etc. You can ask them if there are more green balls than red balls or vice versa. For older children you can practice fractions by asking them what fraction of the colored balls are yellow? These are holiday math activities that can be casually incorporated into your Christmas tree decorating.
These holiday math activities are simple, but they will keep your kids’ brains active while they are out of school during the holidays. If you have any other holiday math activities please share them in the comments! Happy holidays and happy decorating!
There are plenty of gift options for kids that will keep them occupied for hours on end, but might not be very beneficial in terms of learning. Have you ever considered finding educational gifts for kids that will not only excite them, but will also help them learn something new? Here are 5 ideas for educational gifts for kids that will inspire children to explore their artistic side.
There are a variety of art books available that can include beautiful copies of famous works of art, interesting facts about the artist’s life and can also include some art history. You can give your child an art book about their favourite artist like Van Gogh or Monet that will inspire your child to create their own works of art. Some art books include lessons and step-by-step instructions on how to learn an artist’s particular style and techniques.
Because of budget cuts, some schools are no longer able to provide art and music as part of the school curriculum. Children who have a desire to learn how to play a musical instrument or take art lessons may not be able to. Gift certificates for art and music lessons make wonderful educational gifts for kids who may not have the opportunity otherwise.
Sometimes kids get bored when they are out of school for the long holiday break. Giving your child a set of paints or a painting kit can give them a new project to work on during the holidays. Some paint kits provide detailed instructions that teach them new techniques as they paint something that they will be proud of. The most popular painting sets are paint by number and there are all sorts of pictures to choose from that are bound to match some of your children’s interests. There are other art kits that include more than just painting like modeling clay kits for making sculptures and models, jewelry making kits, drawing kits, and other arts and crafts that your kids will enjoy.
Your child might not be interested in classical music, but you can find the sheet music for your child’s favourite movie soundtrack or a popular song so they can learn to play it on their own instrument. Being able to play music that interests your child will motivate them to continue to practice their instrument. There is music for the Star Wars theme song and even music from popular video games like Super Mario. Whatever it is that your child is interested in, they will be touched that you were able to find them some sheet music that they won’t be able to wait to learn to play.
Sign the whole family up for a special cooking lesson, so you can all learn something together. Learning how to cook as a family is a neat way to encourage your children that even adults can learn new things and that learning can be fun! Cooking involves following directions, measuring, doing math calculations and even learning a little bit of the science behind how certain ingredients react to other ingredients in order to produce delicious food. Cooking is educational, satisfying and yummy!
These are just some ideas for you to consider, but if there are other educational music or art related gift ideas that you have please leave a comment and share your idea with us!
If you are looking for some ideas for educational gifts for kids that are related to math and science here are some great gift ideas.
Science experiment kits are wonderful educational gifts for kids. Kids love seeing what will happen as they follow the instructions for an experiment. They might think a chemical reaction is magic at first, but as they learn about the science they will begin to understand why the science experiment has certain results. Scientific books about animals make great educational gifts for kids who love animals. There are science related books available for almost any subject area that kids could possibly be fascinated by.
Building sets that encourage kids to follow directions like LEGO sets and K’NEX building sets are fantastic educational gifts for kids who dream of becoming an engineer. Building model airplanes, racecars and trains are also wonderful ways for kids to develop fine motor and building skills.
If you know a child who has a learning disability you might want to find an educational gift that provides the proper support and is geared toward the right level. Talk to your child’s teacher, science tutor or math tutor to find out if they have any other recommendations that would make great educational gifts for kids with learning disabilities. There are some computer games like one program called Number Sense that uses fun games in order to help students develop basic math skills.
Children who are gifted learners when it comes to learning math and science will be happy to receive an educational gift that will challenge them outside of what they are learning in school. Giving a gifted student a fun math puzzle, brainteaser or a science themed toy is a fun way for them to embrace their love for math and science.
If you can’t decide on an educational gift for the students in your life you could always give them a special gift certificate for tutoring sessions. Tutoring can be beneficial for all students regardless of their abilities. Students can get the extra help they need from a math tutor or a science tutor or if they are gifted learners they can spend tutoring sessions exploring some exciting new subjects that interest them. If you are interested in giving a child a gift certificate for tutoring sessions you can contact School is Easy tutoring company at 1-877-ITS-EASY.
Tutoring gifted students might seem like an oxymoron. If a student is doing well in math or reading, then why should they need a math tutor or a reading tutor? It may surprise you, but there are a lot of reasons why tutoring gifted students can be beneficial for their entire educational experience.
Imagine how frustrating it would be to sit in a classroom where you are asked to listen to a lesson or do an assignment that you already know how to do. Gifted students often times get bored and lose interest in the school subjects that they excel the most in. By tutoring gifted students in those subjects they can work at their own pace by doing lessons that are geared specifically to their level of learning. Personal tutoring sessions will help develop their skills as well as their love for the subject (instead of causing them to hate it due to boredom.)
Some students do not need to work hard or apply themselves in order to master a particular subject. This situation can affect the amount of effort they put into learning other school subjects as well. Tutoring gifted students in their strong subjects can help them to develop those skills and feel a sense of satisfaction instead of giving up on the subject because it does not challenge them enough. If a tutor can provide the appropriate level of instruction that helps the gifted student to develop and expand their skills this will help them reach their full potential.
If gifted students have been in situations where learning new things is easy they might never have a chance to develop useful learning skills. The early school years might be easy for gifted students, but if they have been able to do well by sitting passively in class then this could pose a problem once they enter secondary and University level courses that require them to know how to learn more difficult material. Tutoring is one way for gifted students to learn how to learn more difficult subjects outside of the classroom. Tutoring sessions help develop study skills that will help the student once they continue on to higher education.
Some gifted students struggle with behavioural issues at school because they are not being challenged by some of the school subjects. Being bored in class might cause them to become a ‘know it’ all or to talk with their friends during lessons. Acting out in class does not only affect the gifted student, but it also becomes a distraction to the rest of the class. By arranging tutoring for the gifted student they can have their own individual assignments to work on possibly during class time. This type of arrangement would first have to be discussed with the classroom teacher.
The stigma around tutoring is that it is only for students who need help with a particular school subject that they struggle with. As you can see from the four points listed above, there are a lot of reasons why tutoring gifted students can be beneficial as well. If you have a gifted child or you know of some gifted students who are struggling in school, finding a private tutor for them could make a huge difference!
Students who learn by sitting in a classroom might think they know what they just learned, but do they really? The best way to ensure that you know how to do something is to teach someone else to do it. Here are 3 ways a student tutor can gain a deeper understanding of a subject by tutoring someone else.
If your child is learning a challenging new subject you can help them learn it better by asking them to tutor their younger siblings. This is a benefit of having a multi-child family, but student tutors don’t have to be limited to tutoring their own family members.
A neighbourhood is full of children of all ages who are all at different levels in their education. This type of situation can be used for the benefit of the students by arranging student tutoring sessions with the other children in the neighbourhood. An older student tutoring a younger student is an arrangement that will not only help the younger student learn but it will also help the older student fully grasp the concept. They have to learn it in order to be able to teach it.
For tutors who come to a student’s home for tutoring sessions sometimes even more learning can happen when the roles are switched. Turning a tutoring session into a teaching opportunity for the student to teach what they are learning rather than solely learning from the tutor is simple. Just ask the student to give a lesson that teaches the new topic that they have just learned. By role-playing what would happen during an actual student tutoring session they will still get the same benefits by explaining the lesson to their tutor. This will help them see what they still are not clear about so the tutor can help them grasp the concept more.
Teaching as a way to enhance learning can be done in virtually any situation. If the student can explain the new subject or skill and help someone else to grasp the concept then they have surely mastered the lesson themselves. Being able to teach what they are learning will give the student a sense of accomplishment as well as a deeper understanding of the subject. Give your child a chance to be a student tutor. Whether it’s at home or in the community they are sure to learn more as they tutor others!
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