We have decided to create a new brand. Why? You might ask.
Our website domain is schooliseasy.com
Our phone number is 1-877-ITS-EASY
People often call up and say, “Are you ‘School is Easy'”? We answer with, “We are Academic Advantage.” This seems to confuse people. Since we are franchising we need to streamline and simplify the brand.
We will call ourselves ‘School is Easy Tutoring’.
This requires a new logo design. We started with 8 designs and we asked your opinion on all of them.
We’ve chosen our new logo. Thanks to all of you for completing our survey. We also received many comments. Wow! It’s truly amazing how many people can have completely different opinions, sometimes opposites of each other.
We deliberated over all comments and quickly realized that we cannot please everyone. We went with the majority. So here it is.
During this transition period we will continue under both names School is Easy and Academic Advantage for the next 6 months to a year.
This year marks the year of our 10 Year anniversary. It’s a perfect time to update our image.
We look forward to continuing to serve you with great care and attention.