Teaching children the finer points about money and finances may seem daunting, and you may wonder how you should start. Yet, teaching kids about money and how it works is incredibly important – especially in the current financial climate.
As Forbes magazine points out, the US’s $845 billion in credit card debt shows that even adults need to learn more about the essentials of money.
By teaching kids about the importance of saving money while they are young, they can avoid some of their elders’ mistakes.
Why Teach Kids Financial Management?
It is important to teach kids financial management while they are young so they will have a good foundation of financial skills that can be built upon as they get older.
For example, while a teenager will need to start thinking about getting a job, saving up for college, and learning to manage expenses, younger children just need to learn about:
- The importance of money
- How to use money
- How to save money
Although the concepts that a younger child should learn may seem simple, they will need them to be able to expand them later as a teenager.
What Do I Teach Kids About Financial Management?
Kids don’t need to make a life plan or get a job quite yet. Therefore, it is good to start with simple money-related concepts that will help them when they do need to make significant financial decisions later on.
The Basics of Money
- If you have younger children, teach them what money is and why it is used as an exchange for goods and services.
- If your kids are older, help them understand the value of money and how it applies to their everyday lives.
Spending Wisely
- With younger children, you can easily explain the difference between wants and needs to help kids prioritize spending. For instance, start with food versus candy.
- As your children get a little older, you can teach them the concept of value versus cost to recognize what makes a purchase worthwhile. A good example is a single can of soda versus a 6-pack of cola – once is cheaper but last for one meal while the other is more expensive but lasts much longer.
Saving for the Future
- Although this lessen is easier for older kids, introducing the importance of saving money rather than spending it all at once is a great lesson. Use relatable examples, like saving your money for a special toy or videogame, to show the benefits of delayed gratification.
Banking Basics
- When younger kids receive birthday or holiday money, it’s a good idea to introduce them to the safety and security of a bank account. Take them to open a savings account and encourage regular deposits to build a saving habit. Most banks even have programs designed for children that have limited or no fees.
- With older children, you can teach them how to read bank statements and track interest earnings to understand how savings grow over time.
Building Lifelong Habits
- With children of all ages, reinforcing the idea that managing money wisely now leads to financial independence and success in adulthood.
By focusing on these steps, you provide kids with a strong foundation for managing their finances effectively throughout their lives.
How Do I Begin Teaching Kids Financial Management?
As we discussed in the previous sections, your child’s age is a good indicator of what and how you should teach them about money. In this section, we give parents and guardians great tips on how to teach them financial management.
What Are Some Great Tools to Help Teach Kids About Money?
Who says teaching kids about finances has to be boring? With the right games and tools, learning about money can feel like an adventure! From apps and online games to classic board games, there are tons of fun ways to help kids master financial skills without them even realizing they’re learning.